How to Create and Use Custom Helpers in Laravel 10

How to Create and Use Custom Helpers in Laravel 10

Hello Devs,

Here's how we can create and use custom helper functions in Laravel 10. You can also use the same process for laravel other versions like 9,8,7 etc.




We need to follow bellow steps to complete the full process of using laravel custom helpers.


Step - 1. Create Helper File

Step - 2. Write Helper Function

Step - 3. Autoload the Helper File

Step - 4. Regenerate Composer Autoload Files

Step - 5. Use the Helper Function




Step - 1. Create Helper File


We can create single or multiple helpers file according to our needs. For simplicity, we'll create a single helpers.php file. Create a new file called helpers.php in the app directory.




Step - 2. Write Helper Function


Open the helpers.php file and start create your custom functions. Now we will create a formatCurrency() function. You can create multiple functions in a single helpers file.



function formatCurrency($amount) {
    return '$' . number_format($amount, 2);




Step - 3. Autoload the Helper File



For Laravel to recognize and autoload your custom helper functions, we'll need to specify the path in composer.json.


1. Open the composer.json file at the root of your Laravel project.

2. Find the autoload section.

3. Add your helpers.php file path to the files array, like bellow.


"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "App\\": "app/",
        "Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories/",
        "Database\\Seeders\\": "database/seeders/"
    "files": [




Step - 4. Regenerate Composer Autoload Files


After updating the composer.json file, we need to regenerate the autoload files. Run the following command.

composer dump-autoload




Step - 5. Use the Helper Function



Once we've created our helper functions and updated the autoloader, we can use our custom helper functions anywhere in our Laravel application just like we'd use any other function.

For example, in a blade template we can use like this way

{{ formatCurrency(1234.56) }}



In Controller we can also use like this way

public function showPrice() {
    $formattedPrice = formatCurrency(1234.56);
    return view('', compact('formattedPrice'));




Hope this will help you a lot. Thus we can create and user helpres functions in our laravel applications. Thanks to read the article. Please let us know if you have any query.




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