Laravel Date Display created_at  All Possible Ways

Laravel Date Display created_at All Possible Ways

Hello Coders,

Today's lesson we will learn about display created_at date at different ways in laravel 10 inside blade file. I will clearly explain how can we display dates so that it will be more readable to users. I will discuss from scratch and display all possible output. Let's discover the ways to display dates all ways in laravel 10 in a blade file.


Way 1: Using toFormattedDateString()

{{ $user->created_at->toFormattedDateString() }}
//output: May 18, 2023


Way 2: Using diffForHumans()

{{ $user->created_at->diffForHumans() }}
//output: 3 weeks ago


 Way 3: Using toDateString()

{{ $user->created_at->toDateString() }}
//output: 2023-05-18


 Way 4: Using toDateTimeString()

{{ $user->created_at->toDateTimeString() }}
//output: 2023-05-18 19:44:37


 Way 5: Using toDayDateTimeString()

{{ $user->created_at->toDayDateTimeString() }}
//output: Thu, May 18, 2023 7:44 PM


Way 6: Using toCookieString()

{{ $user->created_at->toCookieString() }}
//output: Thursday, 18-May-2023 19:44:37 UTC


Way 7: Using toIso8601String()

{{ $user->created_at->toIso8601String() }}
//output: 2023-05-18T19:44:37+00:00


Way 8: Using format("Y-m-d")

format() method accepts a custom format compatible with PHP date()

{{ $user->created_at->format("Y-m-d") }}
//output: 2023-05-18


 Way 9: Using format("Y/m/d")

{{ $user->created_at->format("Y/m/d") }}
//output: 2023/05/18


  Way 10: Using format("Y:m:d")

{{ $user->created_at->format("Y:m:d") }}
//output: 2023:05:18



Thanks. Hope this will easy your task. Please fell free to ask any question about this post.





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